
Five Hair And Makeup Tips For a Date

When girls prepare for a date, they usually try to look their best. In fact, if the guy have asked you for a date, he likes you the way you are, so the main rule of any date look is to be yourself. Of course, a perfect makeup and hairstyle are very necessary things, so let’s check out some simple tips to look gorgeous on a date from the top stylists at best salon NYC.

#1 Don’t have a dramatic change of haircut and makeup pre-date
He likes you the way you are! So don’t try to look like another person with extreme hairstyle changing or with a bright makeup. He probably will kiss you on the first date, so don’t use bright lipstick to prevent his face look like a clown. You shouldn’t have vampy red lips; fresh and sweet makeup will be perfect.

#2 Make your skin radiant
The first thing that men notice is our skin, so you need to prepare your body for dating for 100%. Use some natural scrubs soft and supple, which remove the flaking skin and all grease from your face. Try to use a coconut scrub which will moisturize your skin and the sweet smell of coconut will be a great bonus.

#3 Totally moisturizing
After a bath or a shower do a full body moisturizing, pay special attention about elbows and knees. This simple tip will help you to be confident all evening.

#4 Go easy with a perfume
Every girl definitely wants to smell perfectly on the first date, so don’t overload yourself with a perfume. Just spray it and ‘walk into’, this will be enough to smell nice and don’t frustrate people in the subway with your innocent smell of the perfumes.

#5 Hands
Look at your hands right now, if you haven’t got a pretty manicure you should change this. Our nails and hands are criteria of our tidiness. You will touch your man with those hands, so be sure they look perfect.

And remember what Mark Darcy said in Bridget Jones “I like you just the way you are”, so don’t afraid of being yourself.

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